We tell clients all the time that while they may have been a victim of medical malpractice, from a financial, business perspective, we do not recommend filing a lawsuit.
Because at the end of the day, trial, mediation etc., if you had to pay more money to file and pursue the lawsuit then you take home – it’s not worth it.
What do I mean, pay money to file a suit?
Well, in order to file and serve a malpractice lawsuit, you must have experts willing and ready to testify that the defendant was negligent, and their negligence caused your injury. These experts will not provide this opinion for free. They will charge you an hourly rate – sometimes between $150 – $1000 AN HOUR to review your records.
Then you have to pay court reporters to type up your testimony, and the phone company for long distance calls, and you might miss work for trial or depositions.
Med Mal cases cost around $20,000 – $40,000 by the time you get to trial. So why file a suit if you can’t get more than $20,000 – $40,000? We advise against it. We only recommend filing suit if your damages are extensive, great and we believe a jury would value them as extensive.
Now many of our clients will tell us it’s not about the money – its about accountability.
I understand, but if the only thing a lawsuit can do is get you money —- and not alot, why spend two years of your time chasing a rainbow?
We will honestly evaluate the damages of your case and advise accordingly. Call today.