Ugh. It still happens.
Loved ones are placed in Virginia Nursing Homes for short term rehab after a hospitalization.
“Just 20 days for therapy,” the facility says.
“She’ll be out of here in no time,” you are told.
But by month 3, they are still there. And your loved one seems weak, unable to walk, confused. He or she is on new medications, not eating, not drinking, gets a UTI, gets combative, falls, tries to get out of the facility and successfully makes it to the parking lot where he or she is injured.
Families wonder out loud:
“What kind of care are they getting? “
“Are they being over-medicated?”
“Isn’t there a doctor who is supposed to monitor them?”
“She never fell at home, what happened?”
Nursing home neglect happens all the time. With few nurses, loved ones do not receive the care they require, deserve etc.
If you believe your loved one has been neglected in a Virginia nursing home, and they were injured as a result, we would be honored to help evaluate your case, discuss your options.
It is better to call sooner rather than later for many reasons.
I wrote a blog this summer on how to file a complaint with a nursing home.
Dan and I have both written about Admission contracts with nursing homes and arbitration agreements contained there in.
If you would rather speak to us, then read our blogs – call today: 1-866-985-0098. Look forward to speaking with you.