That is lawyer speak for:
“technically, you may have a case but I don’t think it is worth my time, or your time, to spend two years on it when you are not going to get much of money.”
Broken Bone case – eventually heals, $7,000 in medical bills and $3000 in lost wages
Total damages: $10,000
No permanent injury
Jury award will be between $10,000 and $75,000
Total Cost of experts: $10,000
Attorneys fees: 40%
Copy Costs after 2 years: $2000
Court reporters: $4000
Total costs to litigate case — may be GREATER THAN your damages or potential for recovery
So why spend two years in court to lose money?
For the principle of it?
To make a point?
I wouldn’t recommend any activity that takes two years, just to make a point!