An Article in B4 of Today’s Wall Street Journal starts off by saying that various nursing home companies are aiming to cut expenses “to help offset the impact of a severe Medicare reimbursement cut coming in two months.”Business Week says that for profit nursing homes saw their shares tank on…
read moreSome businesses have signs that say: NO SOLICITORS / NO SOLICITING.This means they don’t want the yellow page guy (or the “fugitive recovery specialist” who walked into my office last week to offer his very unique services) to just show up and want to do business.The Virginia Criminal Code prohibits…
read moreMy one year old niece gets grumpy, and everyone says they see a nap in her immediate future. Getting some rest, taking a breather is a good way to avoid melt down. Were you tempted to tell you boss to go fly a kite this week? That the clients love…
read moreSadly, much of the time families come to us when it is too late.Too late to discuss what nursing home is best.Too late to describe the importance of attending care plan meetings or meeting with the nursing home doctors.Too late to make decisions about home health care until the option…
read morepost your new business on Linked In within months of leaving your old joborFriend your old customers on facebookor Create a new website that talks about all the work you can doorEmail old clients your new Contact InformationorHave a meeting and tell your old colleagues you are leaving and opening…
read moreOften we will get calls from Virginia residents who received medical treatment in North Carolina. We always advise they call a North Carolina attorney to get advice as the state laws are different.In Virginia, you have two years to file a malpractice action and can legally get up to $2,000,000.00…
read moreYou needed it yesterday.A book.On non-compete agreements and employer / employee relationships.Because you are heading to the beach today and need to spend a few days planning, discussing your options and making an exit strategy.So now you can buy our “How to Beat your Virginia Non-Compete” for your ebook –…
read moreCaregiving is hard.Making choices about long term care is not easy.Making educated choices about long term care requires time and thoughtfulness.Dan and I realize too often, families are forced to make these decisions without any time to prepare and consider their options. But that isn’t good enough. Virginians should know…
read moreI get it.These days, folks want information and they want it fast. They don’t want me to mail them our book on non-competes, they want to read it in five minutes so they know by Monday morning whether they can quit that job and start their new venture.Although you have…
read moreI heard a wonderful but not surprising story on NPR this morning –CAREGIVING IS TOUGH WORK and worth over $450,000,000 a year.And what do you do when you need professional help? A nursing home? Assisted Living?Dan and I have found so many of our clients are ill prepared for this…
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