Are you a caregiver…? Of any kind?Visit a loved one a nursing home?Provide for assistance with activity of daily living?Pay bills, write checks, etc?Do you work full time? Are you raising your own kids?How does this balance work? Are you empty? Exhausted? Is it necessary that you be the provider?Most…
read moreWhat if one employee says to their employer, “I am not signing this non-compete. It is unfair, over broad and I will not sign it.”Do you think the employer will negotiate?Be reasonable?Try to make amends?NOPE. Neither do I.I think the employer will say – “fine, sign and stay. Refuse and…
read moreWhen I looked at Colleges, I often attended formal tours where a student tour guide walked us around and explained various aspect of campus life, etc.When we hired a paralegal last year, we walked her around our office and explained how things worked, where her office would be, etc.When you…
read moreEarlier this week I wrote about a wonderful resource, a newly published book I was reading called A Bittersweet Season – Caring for Our Aging Parents and Ourselves, by Jane Gross.Gross wrote a book on caregiving and navigating the system of healthcare, related legal issues, etc., because she and her…
read moreI went to a large bookstore last night and found this gem smiling at me from the NEW RELEASES table:“A Bitter-Sweet Season, Caring for Our Aging Parents, and Ourselves,” by Jane Gross.I bought it for many reasons. Some personal. Some professional.I spend my days advising families how to navigate the…
read moreI vaguely recall a game show from the 1980’s called Press your Luck. Something on the game show required contestants to press a button and I recall many older women jumping wildly screaming “no whammies no whammies no whammies.”A whammy, was some kind of cartoon monster that made you lose…
read moreToday’s Roanoke Times had the following headlines:Rabid Bobcat brings fight to doorstepGlobal Warming may be storm culpritSenior Population Swells in most areasMisspent funds point to problemNow which of those headlines is really no surprise at all?And don’t tell me the Bobcat was predictable.It’s the SENIOR population swelling in the area.…
read moreWhile you are employed by a company, regardless of whether you have a contract of employment, you are not to compete with that employer, as a matter of Virginia Common law.Example:Work in a used car lot – open your own on the side and tell customers about your great dealsWork…
read moreFolks, very nice, smart, intelligent folks ask me all the time:????????????????????????????????????????????“What should I do? Should I sign this non-compete?”And my response is “Well, that is not really a legal question. It is a personal one. I have explained the risks, what it means legally, your rights and restrictions. Only you…
read moreNursing Home Reform.Healthcare Reform.Budget cuts. Are these good thing?Bad things?Necessary things?We represent families that are victims of abuse, neglect – but often times, they suffer because of careless, thoughtless mistakes.Will reform change any of that?Will budget changes hurt people in nursing homes?I am not sure – but here are a…
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