I get a newsletter from a group called SeniorAdvice.com.Today they had an article on Fall Prevention, and gave the following tips to preventing falls in elderly persons (I have deleted a few so this is not the complete list)You can ask your doctor to perform a bone mineral density test…
read moreThe following are true statements about Severance agreements and employment separation agreements in Virginial:there is no law that says you must be offered a severance agreementyou only have a right to one if you have a contract that states you are entitled to an agreementmost severance agreements contain RELEASES wherein…
read moreI stumbled upon a very interesting group today, Health Care Without Harm – www.noharm.orgNow, what do you think this group’s mission is:1. Patient safety (working toward reduction in medication errors, malpractice etc)2. Environmentally responsible health care3. Insurance company advocacy (to promote coverage)4. Advocacy for health care workers to take better…
read moreQ: If you didn’t sign a non-compete agreement, you are free to compete in any way you want right?A: Nope, not really.Q: You can use any information you have and start a new business?A: Wrong.Q: You can solicit old clients if you didn’t agree to do otherwise, right?A: Maybe Wrong.Under…
read moreAre you in wealth management or financial services?Are you sick of hearing what I have to say about risks and employment litigation?Then read another take – Smooth Move. Switching Firms? Consider Your Legal Risks First by Attorney Caitlin Piccarello.She clearly knows what she is talking about, and after all, its…
read moreOnce upon a time, Fred decided he wanted to be his own boss. Fred told his current company, Flintstone manufacturing, he was going to quit. On Fred’s last day of work, he copied Flintstone’s client lists, packed his rock brief case, and scooted home for the weekend.Come Monday morning, Fred…
read moreIt is shocking to hear, but resident on resident assaults in long term care facilities (nursing homes, assisted living facilities, independent living) are frequent occurrences.Consider, where else do you have strangers, with physical, mental and psychiatric problems, on a myriad of different medications with side effects, living under the same…
read moreSadly, not remembering you signed a contract, is not a defense to the contract.I mean it. You are bound by the terms whether you recall signing it or not. I know many clients who take new jobs only to receive letters threatening lawsuits. (I like to call these nasty grams)You…
read moreIf you have decided you would like to spend some of your hard-earned savings on attorneys fees, defending yourself in Court against various claims from your ex-employer, then I would recommend the following actions. These almost always will lead you to the court house door:1. Start a side business that…
read moreI just got an email a few minutes ago from a man in Uganda who wants me to help him transfer money from the United Kingdom to the US. He needs my bank account info to help.Yesterday, a woman from China emailed me asking for help in her United States…
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