Law Firm Resources & News

This is America…I can always quit and find a better job! 150 150 Dan Frith

This is America…I can always quit and find a better job!

Is this a true statement?  Not in Virginia. Maybe half of the statement is correct.  You can quit you job.  However, you cannot always go find a better job in your same industry or locale.  Why?  Because of that one page document you signed 5 years ago (along with health insurance forms and who to…

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Ahh, the emails tell the story 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Ahh, the emails tell the story

Today most major newspapers have headlines regarding the President’s son and his email exchange with a British tabloid journalist, arranging a meeting with a Kremlin connected attorney from Russia.  Yes, it sounds like a soap opera – but I truly don’t care about the content or context of the emails (well, at least not for…

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Things You Should Ask Your Doctor 150 150 Dan Frith

Things You Should Ask Your Doctor

This is the title of an article which appeared today in the Roanoke Times.  You can read it here. The article contains good suggestions like:      1.  Ask your doctor which health and medicine websites he/she trusts?      2.  What is this medication…what is it for…why are you prescribing it…what are the side…

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Does your family doctor provide good care? 150 150 Dan Frith

Does your family doctor provide good care?

This is an important question.  Most people will see their family doctor (also call primary care provider) at least once a year.  We often have a personal relationship with these doctors.  We may know their families and they know ours.  We see those doctors when we have a sore throat which will not go away, to…

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Does your pot smoking matter in your medical malpractice case? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Does your pot smoking matter in your medical malpractice case?

Recently I have had a number of clients call about medical malpractice cases add the following caveat: “Does my occasional pot smoking hurt my medical malpractice case?” And up until last week I would say: “I don’t think so. We can likely file a motion in limine to keep that out and the jury won’t…

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HR 1215 – and why congress hopes you miss it! 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

HR 1215 – and why congress hopes you miss it!

So I couldn’t help myself – I tried once again to tell the tale of why Congress hopes you won’t pay attention to what they are voting on.  Enjoy my 20 minute discussion on HR1215 here and why I fear for profit healthcare and pharmaceutical lobby wants this Bill, and why you, as the consumer…

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What Amazon employees and print journalists have in common – egregious non-compete agreements – Business Litigation Podcast 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

What Amazon employees and print journalists have in common – egregious non-compete agreements – Business Litigation Podcast Good morning from Virginia – where non-competes flourish to the detriment to employees, competition and capitalism. (Fun statement to type, one I believe but is rather controversial).  If you would like to spend a few minutes hearing my comments on non-competes in Virginia, and the likelihood of change soon – enjoy the above 11…

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Getting Admitted to the Hospital on the Weekend can kill you 150 150 Dan Frith

Getting Admitted to the Hospital on the Weekend can kill you

I am not kidding and now there is a study to back me up. The New England Journal of Medicine just published a study titled, “Mortality among Patients Admitted to Hospitals on Weekends as Compared with Weekdays.”  The study’s authors looked at over 3.5 million hospital admissions over a 10 year period – pretty significant numbers. …

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What the White House Budget says about you and your access to good medical care in the USA 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

What the White House Budget says about you and your access to good medical care in the USA

I was raised in  church and taught actions speaker louder than words. As an adult, I have always believed that my intentions were nowhere near as important as my actions. I meant to call you when you mother was diagnosed with cancer, but did I pick up the phone? I meant to volunteer to serve…

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Even smart people are dumb – #noncompetes #jobsecurity Google v. Uber 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Even smart people are dumb – #noncompetes #jobsecurity Google v. Uber

Forgive me, I use hashtags ironically.  And this morning, after having read yet another article  about the ongoing trade secret litigation between Google and Uber, respectively.  This is not a surprising scenario, but as alleged we have the following players: Company 1 (Google) has long term employee (we will call him Bozo) who helps Company 1…

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Lock Up Workers – Legally 150 150 Dan Frith

Lock Up Workers – Legally

The New York Times recently published an editorial on non-compete agreements titled, “Agreements That Lock Up Workers, Legally.”  You can read the editorial here. The editorial lays out why unfair non-compete agreements make our country less competitive and less innovative but the most striking information for me is that 28 million people are now subject…

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Do Non-competes destroy lives? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Do Non-competes destroy lives?

Do non-competes destroy lives? Are they moral? Legal? This seems to be a good week to engage in that conversation. Listen to my rant on whether non-competes are moral – here: INC.Com article: New York Times article:   What do you think?

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