Law Firm Resources & News

Our Seniors being over-medicated? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Our Seniors being over-medicated?

Ask anyone who handles nursing home abuse and neglect cases on behalf of families whether elderly patients are over-medicated, and the answer will be a resounding YES. Ask a nurse at a long term care facility whether patients are over-medicated and the answer will be NO – they need the medications to keep patients in…

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Lessons from the East: Part III 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Lessons from the East: Part III

This is the third and final of my posts about my trip to Taiwan in May 2015 and how it helped my law practice.   Lesson 3: Memories and relationships, if left uncultivated and unattended, may fade. Perhaps like after any really good vacation, I came back from my trip with clear and vivid memories…

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Lessons from the East: Part II 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Lessons from the East: Part II

I recently traveled to Taiwan to visit good friends.  This is the second of three posts about lessons from traveling to Taiwan that matter to my law practice.   Lesson 2:  Keep an open mind.   One of the must-see Taiwan attractions I heard about was the Maokong Gondola, essentially a cable car system in…

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Just today I told two someones life isn’t fair – Lauren Ellerman

Just today I told two someones life isn’t fair –

Just today I told a client that I was sorry he was being sued and had to pay attorneys fees. I was sorry because there is almost no feasible way the corporation that is suing him can win one single dollar or dime in damages. And no, I explained, there was nothing I could do to make the…

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How to Investigate Your Virginia Physician 150 150 Bo Frith

How to Investigate Your Virginia Physician

I know this situation happens often: someone recommends or refers you to a new physician, and you want to know what kind of person they are. You wonder, is Dr. Smith, Neurologist in Blacksburg / Christiansburg Virginia a good doctor? How long has he been practicing? So you “Google” the doctor’s name and the first…

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Working as an Independent Contractor with a Non-Competition Contract 150 150 Bo Frith

Working as an Independent Contractor with a Non-Competition Contract

I am keeping count (rough count) and think at least 60% of the calls we get from employees needing advice about their non-compete agreements, want to move from position as employee, to that as “independent contractor,” essentially doing the same work. The following is a typical scenario: QUESTION: “I have been working for Company A,…

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Doctors aren’t perfect — no one is 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Doctors aren’t perfect — no one is

Today in our local news we have heard terrible truths about two Virginia doctors. A local Doctor (Roanoke) will be sentenced to federal prison for many years for his child pornography collection and prescription drug charges. A Fairfax jury found a local female doctor liable in the amount of $500,000 for damages sustained to a patient she…

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Robots falling: permission to have hard days 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Robots falling: permission to have hard days

We all have those days, days when everything seems hard.  For our medical malpractice clients, who are facing their own serious injuries or the death of a family member, those days come more often.  Sometimes a little perspective goes a long way.  So when I heard about the epic failures of the most advanced robots…

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Employees and LinkedIn Accounts 150 150 Dan Frith

Employees and LinkedIn Accounts

Many of my firm’s clients have LinkedIn accounts.   Some started using this social media site on their own and some were encouraged (even required) to open an account by their employers.  Regardless of the reason, a LinkedIn account can bring you business and help you network within your trade or industry. However, the big question these…

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Why Virginia Courts will not re-draft your contract to be reasonable 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Why Virginia Courts will not re-draft your contract to be reasonable

Virginia is a wonderful place. It is for lovers. It has mountains and oceans and delightful seasons. We have both urban and rural, crowded and vast spaces. It is a Commonwealth, and when I read a contract that states Virginia is a State (and doesn’t reference the fact it is a Commonwealth) I presume the…

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Tell the truth, the whole truth and… or else you the patient can be blamed 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Tell the truth, the whole truth and… or else you the patient can be blamed

The Washington Post published a simple and helpful article last week on how to be a good patient. The article encourages patients to be organized, have readily available medication lists, doctor’s names etc. And while I agree with the article, and agree that being a good patient can help doctors do a better job, I…

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Yes even your doctor has a non-compete – should you care? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Yes even your doctor has a non-compete – should you care?

This morning I stumbled across an article about NC doctors who are currently spending more time in court than their patients would like. Here is the scenario. A doctor is hired by a practice to serve patients but asked to sign a contract that when she leaves the practice, she won’t provide same or similar…

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