Law Firm Resources & News

Why the high bar for medical malpractice is hard to reach AND appropriate 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Why the high bar for medical malpractice is hard to reach AND appropriate

Individuals who call our office have typically suffered a great injury or loss. They wouldn’t be calling an attorney unless they were hurt physically or emotionally by a health care provider. And many of those callers do not (in our firm’s opinions) have a malpractice case or potential lawsuit. The bar in Virginia for filing…

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Dangers of home health care 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Dangers of home health care

Most families have probably heard rumors about home health care aides taking advantage of their patients financially. I know had heard said rumors for years and believed them to be hyperbolic tales from privileged individuals, fearful that someone with less means would have such intent. This week I learned of a Virginia home health care…

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Finding truth in a House of Lies subplot 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Finding truth in a House of Lies subplot

Admittedly, I am late to the dance. As usual. I just watched my first episode of Showtime’s House of Lies this past weekend. I think I started with Season 1 or 2 – where Marty and the gang of super dressed consultants learn their firm has just been sold to a new company. This means…

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Eldercare: There’s no single answer 150 150 Dan Frith

Eldercare: There’s no single answer

The title of today’s blog comes from an article in the November 25 edition of the Roanoke Times.  The artice, written by Pamela Knudson, is a good one and discusses how to help aging parents deal with the challeges of aging.  The article provides good advice on how to anticipate, and deal with, parents’ physical…

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Too much…not enough…or the wrong one altogether! 150 150 Dan Frith

Too much…not enough…or the wrong one altogether!

What in the world is this article about?  It is about medication errors which occur every day in American’s nursing homes.  Residents who receive too much of the correct medication or not enough of the doctored ordered medication and even medication meant for the roommate or resident down the hall.  First things first, most nursing…

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When your family is hurt by company negligence 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

When your family is hurt by company negligence

In this morning’s Roanoke Times are two articles about local families who have been injured by company negligence. In one article, a little boy died from an accident he sustained at day care. In another, a family has hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills when their child obtained fungal meningitis from tainted steroid…

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Who is at fault when someone is abused or neglected in a nursing home? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Who is at fault when someone is abused or neglected in a nursing home?

I was speaking with a bright, beautiful, and smart young woman this week who is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in a local nursing home. As she explains it, it is her job to bathe, dress, feed, turn, toilet, and care for 40 nursing home patients. Yes, you heard that right. She has 20 rooms…

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Thank a Veteran by giving him or her better medical care 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Thank a Veteran by giving him or her better medical care

Do you think a doctor who has lost his license to practice at a local hospital should be allowed to operate on our Veterans? Should residents with no experience be the primary care providers for our Veterans getting care at our local VA hospital? Or should we thank those who served and sacrificed by giving…

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Long term care, end of life, whatever you call it – it’s better to plan for it 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Long term care, end of life, whatever you call it – it’s better to plan for it

I attended a beautiful memorial service this Saturday for a dear friend’s mother. The Hymns, Scripture passages and speakers had all been chosen by the decedent before she died. Unfortunately, my friend’s family knew they were dealing with end stage cancer. Fortunately, they used that time to make plans so the whole family would not…

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Where to find warm hearted long term care? Some move out of the country 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Where to find warm hearted long term care? Some move out of the country

We are living longer. But that doesn’t mean our later years are always golden. Imagine spending the last 3 weeks of your life strapped into a geri-chair next to a nurses station in a sterile, bright and cold nursing home. Imagine spending the last hours of your life alone, unable to speak, or eat, with…

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No such thing as a standard employment contract 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

No such thing as a standard employment contract

So, dear Virginia employee, you have a standard employment contract you say? Does it require you to pay your company’s attorneys fees if you break your contract? Does it allow your company to sell your contract to a new company? Does it give your company access to your personal emails? Does it give your company…

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Falls in Nursing Homes 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Falls in Nursing Homes

I am not a doctor. I am not a nurse. I don’t work in a nursing home. BUT after almost 10 years of representing families who have suffered great loss because of nursing home negligence, I have learned one thing. Sometimes falls happen. Most of the time the falls could have and should have been…

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