Law Firm Resources & News

Record Verdict Against Nursing Home Chain 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Record Verdict Against Nursing Home Chain

The law in every state can be slighty different. In one state, you can ask a jury for any amount of money to fix the mistakes made by the defendants. In other states you can ask the jury for punitive damages, which is not to compensate the loss of the plaintiff, but to punish the company…

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Knock Knock. Who’s There? The Truth. 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Knock Knock. Who’s There? The Truth.

Lawyer jokes are sometimes funny, and sometimes true. But any joke where the punchline confuses “lawyer and liar” is not funny to me. Not funny at all. I believe telling the truth is actually my job, and I expect my clients will take the same approach to truth telling.    In fact, the few times I have had…

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The Law’s Limits in Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Cases 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

The Law’s Limits in Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Cases

Our law firm represents nursing home residents and their families in tragic cases of nursing home neglect and abuse. We do everything in our power to vindicate the resident’s rights under Virginia law. But sadly, the law’s limits prevent us from the following understandable requests: – “I want you to shut that nursing home down.”…

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Please, Do Not Trust Your New Employer to Interpret Your Non-Compete Clause 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Please, Do Not Trust Your New Employer to Interpret Your Non-Compete Clause

We hear this too often: “If I had known I wouldn’t be able to call my old customers, I would never have taken this new job. I told them when they offered me the job I had a non-compete and they told me it wasn’t a problem. And now,  I may get sued, or lose…

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What Florida v. Zimmerman Teaches Us About the Justice System 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

What Florida v. Zimmerman Teaches Us About the Justice System

I remember the day the jury returned the verdict acquitting O.J. Simpson. I was a senior in high school (yes, that dates me) and our school cancelled class to gather us in Gills Hall and watch the foreman read the jury’s verdict live.  I believe it was an attempt to teach us something about the judicial…

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Granny Cams and Nursing Homes 150 150 Dan Frith

Granny Cams and Nursing Homes

I have blogged on this topic before.  The use of hidden cameras in nursing homes to “catch” bad guys neglecting or abusing the elderly is a damn good use of technology.  My home state of Virginia has guidelines for the use of hidden cameras which protect patient privacy yet expose staff (and sometimes other residents)…

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Experts in Medical Malpractice Cases: Where do we find them? 150 150 Dan Frith

Experts in Medical Malpractice Cases: Where do we find them?

Medical Malpractice cases are truly “battles of the experts.”  The plaintiff, patient, or patient’s family must present expert testimony from a qualified expert that the defendant doctor, hospital, etc. deviated from the accepted standard of care (i.e. negligence).  Secondly, there must be expert testimony that the patient’s death or injury was directly caused by the treating…

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Nurse Blows the Whistle on Bad Nursing Home 150 150 Dan Frith

Nurse Blows the Whistle on Bad Nursing Home

I just have to share this story from the Imperial Gardens Health and Rehabilitation Center in Madison, Tennessee.  It appears this nursing home hired a temporary nurse to work at the facility.  The nurse, a LPN, was shocked at the poor care being provided to the facility’s residents.  The nurse was working at Imperial Gardens when a technician…

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The Best Response to a Cease and Desist Letter Ever! 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

The Best Response to a Cease and Desist Letter Ever!

I just read on Buzzfeed about a cease and desist letter sent by a local government official to a citizen about the use of a domain name – and the citizen’s pointed reply via New Jersey lawyer Stephen B. Kaplitt. Check out Mr. Kaplitt’s hilarious response to the cease and desist letter. You can download it here.…

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Virginia Public Radio: “On Elder Abuse and Signs of Neglect” 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Virginia Public Radio: “On Elder Abuse and Signs of Neglect”

This morning Virginia Public Radio hosted a 1 hour show on Financial Abuse of Virginia’s Elderly population. The show will be available online next week, and we will certainly share it with you when it is available. Callers from across the Commonwealth shared stories where loved ones, neighbors and friends had been taken advantage of…

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Newscaster Tripped Up by Non-Compete 150 150 Dan Frith

Newscaster Tripped Up by Non-Compete

Just read an interesting article on the troubles of a news broadcaster in St. Louis, Missouri, Larry Conners.  It appears Mr. Conners made some derogatory remarks about the Internal Revenue Service on his Facebook page which his employer, KMOV and parent company Belo Corp., found unacceptable.  As a result, Conners was fired from his job. Mr. Conners…

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Virginia Truck Accident Injures I-81 Driver 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Virginia Truck Accident Injures I-81 Driver

Earlier this week, we heard about the horrific death of a Virginia Department of Transportation employee who was on the job when he was killed by a truck driver, traveling through Western Virginia. At some point, enough is enough. Sadly, Virginia truck accidents are typical in Southwest Virginia on Interstate 81. Trucks cause accidents, and when those trucks…

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