Law Firm Resources & News

Small Business Owners Fuel Economy – But What About Non-Competes? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Small Business Owners Fuel Economy – But What About Non-Competes?

Just this week, I was speaking to a Virginia resident who wanted to open his own business. He has the time. The money. The talent. But he he can’t open the business. He can’t because he signed a contract that says for a period of time he will not open a business, or work for a…

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Study: Virginia Doctors Misdiagnose Nearly 1 in 6 Patients 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Study: Virginia Doctors Misdiagnose Nearly 1 in 6 Patients

According to the Washington Post, recent studies reflect significant numbers of physicians are misdiagnosing patients, leading to consider harm to patients. A 2009 report funded by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found that 28 percent of 583 diagnostic mistakes reported anonymously by doctors were life-threatening or had resulted in death or permanent disability. A…

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Who Is In Charge When You Are Hospitalized? 150 150 Dan Frith

Who Is In Charge When You Are Hospitalized?

When you go to the hospital in Virginia, you would think someone was in charge. But as the Washington Post recently wrote, there are often the rotating group of health care providers caring for patients in a hospital setting.  A patient hospitalized today is usually not followed by their primary care doctor who has provided treatment…

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Can Assisted Living Facilities Care for Sick Residents? 150 150 Dan Frith

Can Assisted Living Facilities Care for Sick Residents?

Assisted living facilities  (ALF) are are housing facilities for people with moderate disabilities. These facilities provide supervision or assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs); coordination of services by outside health care providers; and monitoring of resident activities to help to ensure their health, safety, and well-being.  Assistance may include the administration or supervision of…

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Free Retirement Planning Resources for Virginia Families 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Free Retirement Planning Resources for Virginia Families

If you are getting ready to retire – or helping a parent – things are getting complicated these days, aren’t they? Taking care of yourself, your grown kids, your parents, all at the same time, can be an exhausting proposition. Not to mention confusing and difficult. So how do you pay for long term care anyway?…

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Podcast: Falls in Virginia Nursing Homes and Hospitals Lead to Injury 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Podcast: Falls in Virginia Nursing Homes and Hospitals Lead to Injury

We hear it too often: “My mom fell in the  [hospital or nursing home] and suffered a [broken hip or broken femur or concussion or contusion to her head]. What can we do now?” Here is a brief guide on what to do when a loved one suffers an fall injury: [haiku url=”″]

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Virginia Nursing Homes: Less Staff, More Profits? 150 150 Dan Frith

Virginia Nursing Homes: Less Staff, More Profits?

According to Virginia Business (March 2013),  a regional business magazine, four Southwest Virginia nursing homes were included in this year’s list of the “Top 25 Most Profitable Nursing Homes.”  Yet, we often hear the same refrain from nursing home administrators when poor care is given: we cannot afford to hire enough staff. That’s hogwash and now we have the facts…

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“Be Nice to Your Kids: They Will Pick Your Nursing Home” 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

“Be Nice to Your Kids: They Will Pick Your Nursing Home”

I traveled to a Roanoke hospital yesterday to take depositions in a case where a man was seriously injured after falling during rehabilitation. As I walked to my car, I passed a truck with a bumper sticker that said, “Be Nice to Your Kids: They Will Pick Your Nursing Home.” The bumper sticker got to me…

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Podcast: The Truth About Nursing Home Contracts 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Podcast: The Truth About Nursing Home Contracts

When you arrive at a Virginia nursing home, the staff will give you a “Admission Contract” with payment terms and other obligations. Before you sign, spend a few moments listening to this podcast. [haiku url=”″] A couple of key terms to be aware of: Someone in the family will be a responsible party – for…

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Recognizing Signs of Virginia Hospital Malpractice 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Recognizing Signs of Virginia Hospital Malpractice

Last month my mother-in-law had an elective surgery at our local hospital. The surgery went well, but her aftercare was a little dicey. One nurse tried to get her to take another patient’s blood pressure medication. Thankfully, my spunky mother-in-law knew she was not to take the medication and refused. A different nurse told her not to get…

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Have a Non-Compete, But Want to Accept Another Job? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Have a Non-Compete, But Want to Accept Another Job?

I love “to do” lists. They make seemingly difficult and impossible tasks more manageable.  Here is my “to do” list for Virginia employees who (a) have an employment contract or non-compete and (b) want to explore or accept a job with another company in their industry. BEFORE YOU APPLY FOR that other job (sorry I had to…

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Virginia Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Virginia Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney

Last year, my partner Dan and I were retained to help represent a North Carolina resident who was traveling through Virginia on the way home from a car show out of state, when his car was struck by a tractor trailer.  Our client’s care immediately began to spin out of control, hitting the concrete embankment…

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