Law Firm Resources & News

Non-Compete Agreements in Health Care 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Non-Compete Agreements in Health Care

I have recently been spending a ton of time in a local hospital and become friends with nurses, therapists, and doctors. When census is down (which means not many patients), the hours of these fine folks will often be cut to meet patient demand and quality staff are unable to work 40 hours each week.…

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Falls in Nursing Homes: Just How Common Are They? 150 150 Dan Frith

Falls in Nursing Homes: Just How Common Are They?

A recent article in the Philadelphia Inquirer revealed that over 21% of nursing home residents fell within their first 30 days at the facility. The article reviewed recent data from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services for more than 230,000 first-time residents admitted to nearly 10,000 nursing homes across the United States in 2006.…

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Nursing Home Employees and “Compassion Fatigue” 150 150 Dan Frith

Nursing Home Employees and “Compassion Fatigue”

A recent article in McKnight’s Long-Term Care News and Assisted Living describes how compassion fatigue and grief are the unrecognized downside to working in the nursing home industry. Says the columnist Patricia Smith, who is the founder of the Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project: Compassion fatigue and grief are the unrecognized downside to working in the nursing home industry. When sufferers…

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Podcast: Non-Compete Agreements for Virginia Doctors 150 150 Dan Frith

Podcast: Non-Compete Agreements for Virginia Doctors

Are non-compete agreements enforceable against physicians in Virginia? The American Medical Association cautions that non-compete contracts “disrupt continuity of care, and potentially deprive the public of medical services.” (AMA Statement E -9.02). Although we agree with the AMA, Virginia courts use a different analysis. Here is the podcast edition of Non-Compete Agreements for Virginia Doctors, including (1) common…

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Arbitration Agreements in Virginia Non-Compete Agreements 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Arbitration Agreements in Virginia Non-Compete Agreements

Many contracts these days contain arbitration provisions where the parties agree they will not take their disputes to court, but to a third party arbitrator to decide the issues. In injury cases, I just plain do not like arbitration. I think juries should decide whether someone has suffered an injury, not an attorney at the…

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When Nursing Home Care is Criminal 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

When Nursing Home Care is Criminal

Do you remember the O.J. Simpson case? Simpson was found liable in civil court, even though he was found not guilty for the same actions in criminal court. Isn’t it odd that Simpson could be held responsible in one court and not the other? We encounter a similar situation in cases of nursing home neglect,…

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The Atlantic: “How to Fix Nursing Homes” 150 150 Dan Frith

The Atlantic: “How to Fix Nursing Homes”

The Atlantic recently published an article, “How to Fix Nursing Homes,” that makes an alarming (but accurate) statement about America’s nursing homes: American nursing homes historically have operated and been regulated as total medical/residential institutions — like asylums. To a large extent, this is still the situation today. That’s right: many nursing homes are run like asylums. The…

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Podcast: Top 10 Employee Mistakes That Lead to Litigation 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Podcast: Top 10 Employee Mistakes That Lead to Litigation

I am not Jay Leno or David Letterman. I am much younger and shorter than either of those guys. But I like top 10 lists and want to help Virginia employees with avoiding expensive litigation. Here is the podcast edition of the Top 10 Employee Mistakes That Lead to Litigation, including (1) email blunders, (2) social networking no-no’s,…

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Upcoming Event: What You Need to Know About Virginia Nursing Homes 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Upcoming Event: What You Need to Know About Virginia Nursing Homes

What can you do to prevent nursing home abuse and neglect? There are certain red flags that the nursing home has not provided adequate care, including dehydration, pressure ulcers, falls, over-medication, and elopement. We advise families about potential legal action against the corporate nursing home chain that has created an environment where staff members were unable…

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How to Beat Your Virginia Non-Compete for Lawyers 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

How to Beat Your Virginia Non-Compete for Lawyers

Now available for employees – and attorneys – we are offering a 60-minute online seminar, “How to Beat Your Virginia Non-Compete.” Our goal is to help employees and attorneys better understand their workplace rights under Virginia law. Topics include how to avoid a lawsuit, ensure a smooth transition to a new job, and do so…

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Virginia Non-Competes: What You Read vs. What Your Boss Reads 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Virginia Non-Competes: What You Read vs. What Your Boss Reads

I love Google Alert, that fabulous daily reminder of what is being written online about a certain topic. Perhaps you have an RSS or Google Alert on Jessica Simpson or the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Mine are mostly work related: “non-compete” and “non-solicitation.” This morning, Google Alert brought my attention to a new book written…

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“Blue Penciling” in Virginia 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

“Blue Penciling” in Virginia

Remember in 4th grade when your teacher started grading your assignments with a red pencil? She was correcting your work, stating, “This is wrong.” A check mark meant an answer was correct. What if your teacher had re-written your answers instead – giving you credit but unilaterally changing your answer from X to Y? Would…

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