Signs of Hospital Negligence

Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital – not getting good grades

Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital – not getting good grades 150 150 Dan Frith

Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital markets itself as Carilion’s “flagship facility,” bragging that U.S. News & World Report ranks it as one of the top six hospitals in Virginia.  Somebody better tell that to the Leapfrog Group.  The Leapfrog Group is a nonprofit watchdog organization that serves as a voice for…

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Hospital Telemetry: Does it Make Patient Care Better or Worse?

Hospital Telemetry: Does it Make Patient Care Better or Worse? 150 150 Dan Frith

What is telemetry monitoring? It is a system used in hospitals that enables the continuous tracking of your heartbeat.  It is attached to your body using electrodes, which transmit your vital data to a central monitor for analysis. Doctors use telemetry monitoring if you’ve been diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat…

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Virginia nursing home wound care negligence

Virginia nursing home wound care negligence 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

 I was meeting with a family this week and they mentioned home health had been giving their loved one care for months when he developed two heel ulcers. They went on to explain that home health never mentioned the ulcers, told the doctors about the ulcers, or explained what had…

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Why Medicare Ratings for Nursing Homes matter

Why Medicare Ratings for Nursing Homes matter 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Would you eat at a restaurant the local health department has rated a D in food safety? Probably not knowingly. So why then, do families place their loved ones in facilities that Medicare has openly rated a 1 out of 5 stars on patient safety? Hopefully, families don’t do this…

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Southern Judge faces jail time in bribery from large nursing home after jury finds nursing home liable

Southern Judge faces jail time in bribery from large nursing home after jury finds nursing home liable 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

A little background. In the criminal justice system – the jury is asked to render their decision based upon the preponderance of the evidence, meaning, they are sure someone committed the crime. Our civil justice system has a lower burden of proof. the plaintiff must prove that someone was negligent,…

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Hate to say I told you so – Falls / Overmedication in Virginia Nursing Homes

Hate to say I told you so – Falls / Overmedication in Virginia Nursing Homes 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

It seems National Public Radio is digging in to America’s long term care industry and examining issues of patient safety and care. Last week they did a feature on falls. Yesterday this great feature aired about the use of anti-psychotic medications in elderly patients. Medications that the FDA warns should…

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Falls in a Virginia nursing homes lead to death and serious injury

Falls in a Virginia nursing homes lead to death and serious injury 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Take 5 minutes to listen to this very tragic but accurate report done by National Public Radio: The sad fact is that falls can cause permanent injuries and death in elderly patients. In the last few years, we have represented MANY Virginia families in fall cases. Fall causes hip…

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Even the federal government knows nursing homes are hurting and killing people!

Even the federal government knows nursing homes are hurting and killing people! 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

So one plus of having billions of our tax dollars going to pay for Granny’s nursing home stay (Medicare pays first 100 days typically and then if Granny qualifies, Medicaid pays the remainder) is that the feds keep a close eye on their money. And last year, the feds released…

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Criminal conviction stands for neglect in group home

Criminal conviction stands for neglect in group home 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

In November of last year a Southside Virginia group home operator was convicted and sentenced for criminal abuse and neglect for failing to obtain sufficient medical care for an injured group home resident. The Court of Appeals in Virginia, has just upheld the court’s conviction. Often we will receive calls…

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Please, go with your gut and call 911

Please, go with your gut and call 911 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Nursing homes are interesting places. They (by law and definition) have health care available 24 hours a day, and yet, sometimes it is not enough. Sometimes, nursing home residents get sicker and need immediate emergency help from a hospital. I have had more than one (probably 20) families tell me…

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