I try to read as many books written about and by medicine and the medical profession as I can. Frankly, I enjoy the reading and always learn something new. Today, I want to share (and recommend) two good books.
Sacred Trust, written by Dr. Phyliss Hollenbeck is an excellent read and a very accurate critique of the current state of the practice of medicine. Dr. Hollenbeck identifies the “10 rules of life, death, and medicine” and tells you how to identify the jerks in medicine and how to fire them as your care providers. Dr. Hollenbeck, a general practitioner living in Northern Virginia, stresses the need for more competent family practice doctors. Her book may be purchased from Book Publishers Network for $13.95.
Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine is Making Us Sicker and Poorer, by Shannon Brownlee who writes about medicine, healthcare, and biotechnology for the New York Times Magazine, the New Republic, and the Atlantic Monthly. Ms. Brownlee takes the reader inside the hospital to provide vivid examples of unnecessary care that is not only expensive and wasteful but care that actually threatens the health of patients. We have all heard about the dangers of the military-industrial complex but Brownlee warns us to be wary of the “medical-industrial complex.” The book is published by Bloomsbury USA and is priced at $25.95