I was at an event this week when conversation turned to a local, large, “non-profit” hospital. A Friend told me he suffered a post-surgical hematoma, he knew what it was, and went to the local ER for treatment. Two hours into the treatment, when he had not yet been seen by a triage nurse, or anyone, he got in his car, and drove 10 miles to the smaller, level 1 trauma center in the next county. He arrived, told them the problem, and was taken in within 5 minutes. Now, we have had cases where undiagnosed hematomas (where blood begins to gather) have caused death… Aren’t I glad my friend had the ability to get himself to the other facility?
Sad…. Now I know it could have been a busy day, or one with surprised trauma accidents… But could it also be the one ER was properly staffed, organized and their staff educated to the danger of hematomas?