I was spending EASTER with family and overheard one of my brother’s colleagues tell another person “Hey, did you hear? ___ (INSERT NAME HERE) got a job over at the ACME company. Don’t tell anyone though – he is worried about his non-compete.”
The “SHH don’t tell” clearly didn’t work. Here I am, a potential customer at Business 1, hearing intimate details about an old employee. If I heard it, I am sure the boss will over hear it too…Now aside from the fact you don’t want customers to hear that, you don’t want ANYONE to hear that.
Now thankfully I am not licensed in that state so I can provide commentary without any chance of the Not so secretive employee from calling my office when he gets sued.
But really guys – do you think that kind of information won’t be shared? It will – sooner or later. So be careful with that type of information.