Cease and Desist Letters

When Virginia allows healthcare companies to put profits over patients

When Virginia allows healthcare companies to put profits over patients 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

I spent some time over the weekend reading the News – because – well, that is what my people do. We read stuff to stay informed. ANESTHESIA STAFF The first article I read was sent to me by my law partner Bo, and was about a Bill sitting on Gov.…

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Non-Competes in the world of Coronavirus

Non-Competes in the world of Coronavirus 150 150 Dan Frith

These are troubling times. Every person and every business in America will be affected. Retailers, restaurants, bars, movie theaters, etc., will be firing, furloughing, and/or laying off hundreds of thousand employees…many of whom have employment contracts which prevent them from working for a competitor. Virginia courts will enforce reasonable non-compete…

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This is America…I can always quit and find a better job!

This is America…I can always quit and find a better job! 150 150 Dan Frith

Is this a true statement?  Not in Virginia.Maybe half of the statement is correct.  You can quit you job.  However, you cannot always go find a better job in your same industry or locale.  Why?  Because of that one page document you signed 5 years ago (along with health insurance…

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Non-Compete Agreements, and the other team’s playbook

Non-Compete Agreements, and the other team’s playbook 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Our office typically represents employees in business litigation disputes. Yes, we occasionally represent a company but more often than not, we are fighting for an employee who wants to continue work in his or her chosen profession. We do this by evaluating their contracts, the situation and facts, and  arguing…

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Life Hacks for Starting a New Job

Life Hacks for Starting a New Job 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

LIFE HACKS FOR STARTING A NEW JOBThanks to the internet you can make your life better, and more efficient in a million ways that will blow your mind. Folks call this a hack. I dare you – google “chicken pot pie hack” or “bathroom cleaning hacks.” Ok, done yet? Did…

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Legal obligations of employees, not spelled out in their employment contracts

Legal obligations of employees, not spelled out in their employment contracts 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Is anyone surprised that VW is getting heat from owners for their fraudulent sensors? No.As a VW Diesel owner, I can tell you I didn’t sign an agreement with VW that states “VW promises the sensors found in the vehicle are correct and have not been altered,” but yet, there…

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Virginia Business Litigation Podcast – Episode 1, how to get sued by your past employer

Virginia Business Litigation Podcast – Episode 1, how to get sued by your past employer 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Hey friends – Want to get sued when you leave your job?No? I’m shocked. If you don’t want to get sued, or receive a certified letter with lots of big legal words like Cease / Desist / Notwithstanding / and Aforementioned, where threats of a lawsuit are clearly printed on the…

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Yes even your doctor has a non-compete – should you care?

Yes even your doctor has a non-compete – should you care? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

This morning I stumbled across an article about NC doctors who are currently spending more time in court than their patients would like.Here is the scenario. A doctor is hired by a practice to serve patients but asked to sign a contract that when she leaves the practice, she won’t…

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Think before you leap

Think before you leap 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

I love the New Year. I make resolutions, work out, eat better and do everything that makes me a whole person, for about three weeks. Then the pace of life kicks in and I lose my resolve again until next year. For many Virginia employees, the New Year seems like a good…

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Lightbulb jokes and non-competes

Lightbulb jokes and non-competes 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Do you remember all the great light bulb jokes of the late 1990’s? You could directly insult any kind of person in just a few sentences – blondes, engineers, lawyers, doctors, etc. The beauty of these terrible jokes was that the hyperbole was often based on some element of truth (** BUT…

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