Law Firm Resources & News

Choosing Your Doctor: The Importance of Procedure Volume at a Given Healthcare Facility 150 150 Bo Frith

Choosing Your Doctor: The Importance of Procedure Volume at a Given Healthcare Facility

One of the most important decisions a person can make is which doctor to trust with his or her medical care.  A recent blog post[1] on our website discusses factors to consider when selecting your doctor, including the number of times a doctor has performed the specific operation you will undergo.  If you are planning…

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How to Find a Good Doctor (in Virginia) 150 150 Dan Frith

How to Find a Good Doctor (in Virginia)

I am sometimes amazed how people find and choose their doctors.  You do want a good and competent doctor don’t you?  Sometimes you have no options…you are admitted to the hospital with stomach pain, diagnosed with appendicitis and need emergency surgery.  In those cases you agree to take whichever general surgeon is offered by the…

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Medicaid – anything but simple in a Malpractice / Personal Injury case 1024 768 Lauren Ellerman

Medicaid – anything but simple in a Malpractice / Personal Injury case

Everyone who calls our office and has a Virginia injury case (nursing home, medical malpractice, car accident, trucking accident etc.) is asked a serious of questions by our staff.  One of these questions is: DO YOU HAVE MEDICAID?  It is not that we discriminate against potential clients who qualify for Medicaid because of disability or…

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What to do when you are concerned a Virginia Nursing Home is providing bad or negligent care 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

What to do when you are concerned a Virginia Nursing Home is providing bad or negligent care

I get the following call with frequency: Caller: I am not sure whether you can help me. I’m not really interested in filing a lawsuit but I don’t know what else to do. My Mom is a resident at Virginia Nursing Home INC LLC and they don’t take good care of her. I usually inquire…

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Broker Protocol – always changing 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Broker Protocol – always changing

All – no surprise here, but a few of the big financial houses have decided they don’t like to share.  I know, shocking right? According to  Morgan Stanley and 

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Leapfrog Report Cards for Local Hospitals 150 150 Dan Frith

Leapfrog Report Cards for Local Hospitals

On Wednesday I shared a summary of Leapfrog’s report cards on several hospitals in the Roanoke and New River Valleys.  Here are the report cards published by the Leapfrog Group for two additional hospitals in our area of Virginia: 1.  Memorial Hospital of Martinsville received a “C.” Infection problems included higher than average instances of…

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How Safe are the New River and Roanoke Valley Hospitals? Leapfrog’s Study 150 150 Dan Frith

How Safe are the New River and Roanoke Valley Hospitals? Leapfrog’s Study

We all want to know just how safe our local hospitals are don’t we?The Leapfrog Group is a nonprofit watchdog organization that serves as a voice for health care purchasers.  Leapfrog is the nation’s premier advocate of hospital transparency—collecting, analyzing and disseminating hospital data to inform patients (and others) about the quality of care they…

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Headlines highlight continuing problem of neglect 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Headlines highlight continuing problem of neglect

Some of my friends think I am on some kind of crusade, that I have taken on medical malpractice and nursing home neglect cases as a cause.  Maybe I have, but it’s with good reason.  If you doubt that, take a look at these two recent reports:   From The Roanoke Times: “Former medication aide…

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Medical Malpractice Damage Caps and What the “Protecting Access to Care Act” (H.R. 1215) Will Do to You 150 150 Dan Frith

Medical Malpractice Damage Caps and What the “Protecting Access to Care Act” (H.R. 1215) Will Do to You

The U.S. House of Representatives has already passed HR 1215, misleadingly titled, Protecting Access to Care Act.” The law awaits action in the Senate and, if passed, will have many negative impacts on those who are the victims of medical negligence including the following:   An across-the-board $250,000 “cap” on compensation for “non-economic” injuries (like…

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State v. Federal Trade Secret Laws (Virginia Trade Secret Act, Uniform Trade Secret Act and Defend Trade Secret Act) 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

State v. Federal Trade Secret Laws (Virginia Trade Secret Act, Uniform Trade Secret Act and Defend Trade Secret Act)

For years I have advised Virginia employees to calm down when it comes down to Trade Secret issues.  Well, I hope I haven’t been that passive aggressive in my advice. My intent has always been to provide employees with a simplified understanding of what their legal rights and obligations are regarding their employer’s trade secrets.…

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What could go wrong – orthopedic surgery in Virginia 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

What could go wrong – orthopedic surgery in Virginia

With over 5 million orthopedic surgeries in the United States each year and Americans getting older thanks to advances in modern medicine, it is important to know what should happen after an orthopedic surgery, and where mistakes are often made.  Likely, if you or a loved one needs an orthopedic surgery because of an acute…

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US News & World Reports Hospital Surveys: Johnston Memorial Hospital 150 150 Dan Frith

US News & World Reports Hospital Surveys: Johnston Memorial Hospital

I have already shared with our readers the U.S. News 2017 – 2108 Hospital Survey ratings for Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Lewis-Gale Medical Center, and Memorial Hospital of Martinsville, and Danville Regional Medical Center.  Today, I will share the results of the survey for Johnston Memorial Hospital in Abingdon, Virginia.   Johnston Memorial Hospital (JMH) is a general medical…

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