Law Firm Resources & News

I Absolutely Hate Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements 150 150 Dan Frith

I Absolutely Hate Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements

I know…I know, I ‘ve said it before but non-competes are horrible and make America less competitive and stifle innovation and entrepreneurship, and they always hurt the little guys! Take a few moments from your day and read this article from the New York Times.  The title, “Companies Compete but Won’t Let Their Workers Do…

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Why infection cases can be hard to win – Virginia Medical Malpractice law 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Why infection cases can be hard to win – Virginia Medical Malpractice law

Not a week goes by that we don’t get asked to review records for a tragic death, wherein someone dies from an infection and the family believes the following:  a. The infection was preventable; b. Had the hospital / nursing home / home health aid been better about hand washing – the infection would not have…

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I have nothing against your spouse / mother / brother – but I don’t recommend they join our call 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

I have nothing against your spouse / mother / brother – but I don’t recommend they join our call

I have the pleasure of representing Virginians from all over the Commonwealth. And recently I have seen the following trend: 1. Spouse 1 – works full time, doesn’t have time to hire attorney to review contract.  2. Spouse 2 – concerned and loving, takes the time to find a lawyer, get a fee quote, complete…

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Bill Supported by Virginia’s own Bob Goodlatte would make Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Harder to Win 150 150 Dan Frith

Bill Supported by Virginia’s own Bob Goodlatte would make Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Harder to Win

Republican Bob Goodlatte is a long-time member of the Virginia delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives.  He currently serves as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.  As an aside, he was elected in 1993 after a campaign in which he stressed the need for “term limits.”  That’s correct…he has been a member of the…

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Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital and Lewis Gale Medical Center Do Not Get High Marks 150 150 Dan Frith

Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital and Lewis Gale Medical Center Do Not Get High Marks

The Leapfrog Group is a nonprofit watchdog organization that serves as a voice for patients.  It is the nation’s premier advocate of hospital transparency—collecting, analyzing and disseminating important hospital data to consumers of health care for the past 16 years.   The Roanoke Times just published an article on the most recent Leapfrog Group report and…

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What Happens to your Non-Compete Contract When your Employer is Purchased? 150 150 Dan Frith

What Happens to your Non-Compete Contract When your Employer is Purchased?

We get this question frequently and the answer can be complicated.   In the most common situation, an employee signs a non-compete agreement with her employer (the ABC Company).  The contract provides the employee will not leave the ABC Company (its subsidiaries or affiliates) and compete in the same industry or line of business for…

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House of Representative Member Bob Goodlatte: Working Hard to Take Away Your Rights 150 150 Dan Frith

House of Representative Member Bob Goodlatte: Working Hard to Take Away Your Rights

Bob Goodlatte, a Republican congressman from Virginia, is a co-sponsor of HR 1215, a bill laughingly titled, “Protecting Access to Care Act.” The bill, if passed next week, will do exactly the opposite. The bill places sharp limits on lawsuits by individuals who have been injured by abusive nursing homes, incompetent or negligent doctors, and…

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Virginia is good for business (*which means bad for employees!) 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Virginia is good for business (*which means bad for employees!)

This month I read a summary of accolades for my home – the Commonwealth of Virginia.  Best State for Business (6/50) – Forbes Magazine Top State Business Climate (6/50) Top State for Business (13/50) – CNBC What does all this mean? Well practically speaking, what is a good business climate is – cheap workers, low…

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Virginia’s most profitable nursing homes – also some of the worst? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Virginia’s most profitable nursing homes – also some of the worst?

A little reminder: For profit healthcare is a thing in the United States. Tylenol makes money for Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer made billions on Zoloft before generic forms became available in 2006.  Your neurosurgeon may get a bonus this year, if he or she performs high dollar surgeries on patients or exceeds their RVUs.  Healthcare and…

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Urgent Care Medicine: Good or Bad? 150 150 Dan Frith

Urgent Care Medicine: Good or Bad?

Starting in the 1970s, enterprising physicians began opening their practices after-hours to patients suffering minor ailments without an appointment. Patients avoided expensive emergency rooms, and they avoided long waits to see their family doctors. For the most part, the idea is a good one and there are about 7,400 urgent care centers in the United…

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HR 1215 – Congressman Goodlatte is putting corporations over people AND taking away state’s rights. Don’t let him. 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

HR 1215 – Congressman Goodlatte is putting corporations over people AND taking away state’s rights. Don’t let him.

      All – Much of my last two weeks has been spent researching a recent Bill that my Congressman Bob Goodlatte drafted and presented to the House Judiciary Committee in late February.    The Bill HR1215 – Protecting Access to Care Act 2017 (ironic name) would have a severe and negative impact on…

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Congress is getting ready to take away patients’ rights to hold medical providers accountable for their acts of negligence 150 150 Dan Frith

Congress is getting ready to take away patients’ rights to hold medical providers accountable for their acts of negligence

There is currently a bill in Congress (HR1215 – Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017) put forth by Congressman Bob Goodlatte (Chairman, House Judiciary Committee) that would significantly limit the rights of patients who have been injured by a nursing home, drug manufacturer, medical device company, hospital, or doctor. Nationally, medical errors are the third leading…

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