Law Firm Resources & News

Injunctions against Ex-employees: Not an Easy Task 150 150 Dan Frith

Injunctions against Ex-employees: Not an Easy Task

We represent employees in non-compete and non-solicitation disputes and often hear from the ex-employer (or more likely their lawyer) that they are going to run to the court and convince a Judge to issue an injunction stopping my client from opening his/her new business or going to work for a competitor. I usually respond with…

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The fight to get medical records 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

The fight to get medical records

To investigate a medical malpractice case, we need to see the patient’s medical records.  One of the more frustrating parts of my professional life is dealing with doctors’ offices, hospitals, HealthPort, IOD, and others in an attempt to help our clients get their own medical records.   Some of the stumbling blocks include: long and…

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Duodenoscope and Infections: Disturbing News 150 150 Dan Frith

Duodenoscope and Infections: Disturbing News

Duodenoscopes are used in more than 600,000 procedures, called endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in the United States each year. The procedure is the least invasive way of draining fluids from pancreatic and biliary ducts blocked by tumors, gallstones or other conditions. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reported that the Food and Drug…

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Future of Medicine – does it look bright? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Future of Medicine – does it look bright?

FUTURE OF MEDICINE, AND IT DOESNT LOOK BRIGHT I read an article this month in Fortune Magazine about the future of medicine. In The Doctor will See you (and your Data) Now, David Agus, MD writes about ways technology will change the practice of preventative and primary medicine. The article is based on his recently…

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Life Hacks for Starting a New Job 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Life Hacks for Starting a New Job

LIFE HACKS FOR STARTING A NEW JOB Thanks to the internet you can make your life better, and more efficient in a million ways that will blow your mind. Folks call this a hack. I dare you – google “chicken pot pie hack” or “bathroom cleaning hacks.” Ok, done yet? Did you enjoy a video…

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Advice for Virginia’s Millennials when signing an Employment Contract (because we know you will quit your job soon to further dedicate yourself to your online startup and won’t call a lawyer when you do) 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Advice for Virginia’s Millennials when signing an Employment Contract (because we know you will quit your job soon to further dedicate yourself to your online startup and won’t call a lawyer when you do)

Advice for Virginia’s Millennials when signing an Employment Contract (because we know you will quit your job soon to further dedicate yourself to your online startup and won’t call a lawyer when you do) Have you heard, we older Americans like to categorize people. It’s true. We subdivide one another by age, birth year or…

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How do Courts Measure Distance in Non-Compete Contracts? 150 150 Dan Frith

How do Courts Measure Distance in Non-Compete Contracts?

Most non-compete contracts prohibit competitive activity by the ex-employee within a certain number of miles of the employer’s business. The typical language prohibits competitive activity within a 15 to 25 mile radius of the employer’s business.  The language, and how courts interpret this restrictive language, can get tricky.  For example, some courts have found that a…

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Greater Risks in Virginia’s Rural Hospitals 150 150 Dan Frith

Greater Risks in Virginia’s Rural Hospitals

I just finished reading a disturbing article in the December 27 issue of the Wall Street Journal titled, “New Risks at Rural Hospitals.”  The article describes a relatively new program put in place by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) designed to provide financial assistance to small rural hospitals.  Good idea right?  Maybe…

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Ask. Ask again. Be clear. Ask until you get the answer you want. 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Ask. Ask again. Be clear. Ask until you get the answer you want.

Busy morning. I have received three calls already from three separate solicitors asking me to advertise my law firm in their book / website / online catalog etc.  I kindly told all three we had spoken a few weeks back, and I didn’t have it in my advertising budget to advertise with them and I would…

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Virginia Doctor Wins Non-Compete Dispute 150 150 Dan Frith

Virginia Doctor Wins Non-Compete Dispute

Mark one down for the good guys!  Dr. Thomas Fame began working for the Asthma and Allergy Center in Salem, Virginia in 2010, but was let go by that organization in May of 2015.  After he was fired, the practice group argued that Dr. Fame’s contract imposed a two-year block on his ability to treat…

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Business Litigation Podcast 4 – End of year Q/A and “Right to Work” state 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Business Litigation Podcast 4 – End of year Q/A and “Right to Work” state Ever wanted to know what “right to work” had to do with your non-compete? short answer: Nothing.  Want to know what happens if your company loses your non-compete contract? short answer: hard to sue on breach of contract without the contract. 5 minutes of general business litigation topics and Virginia law. Happy New Year…

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New Year’s Resolution – Starting a New Business in 2016? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

New Year’s Resolution – Starting a New Business in 2016?

I have a great New Year’s Resolution for you this year. Repeat after me: “In 2016, I will do my best not to get sued by my ex-employer.” Isn’t that a great resolution? Saves time, big money, emotional energy, etc. A winner. But how do you keep this resolution? Does it require a fitness membership?…

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