Law Firm Resources & News

Nursing Home Workers Share Explicit Photos of Residents on Snapchat 150 150 Dan Frith

Nursing Home Workers Share Explicit Photos of Residents on Snapchat

Unbelievable!  An article jointly published by the Washington Post and ProPublica found 35 cases since 2012 in which nursing home or assisted living workers surreptitiously shared photos or videos of residents on social media. At least 16 cases involved Snapchat. The employees are posting embarrassing and dehumanizing photos of elderly residents on social media networks, violating their…

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The first Christmas without. 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

The first Christmas without.

For many of the people we represent in medical malpractice cases who have lost a family member, the holidays take on a different meaning.  Rather than cheer and joy, sadness can take over.  As I’ve talked to some of our clients over the past few weeks, I have been reminded of this reality.   And…

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Residential Real Estate Brokers and Non-Competes 150 150 Dan Frith

Residential Real Estate Brokers and Non-Competes

By now readers of this blog know our position.  We strongly believe that non-compete and non-solicitation clauses are bad.  They are bad not only for the unsuspecting/unknowing employee but they are bad for innovation, bad for economic growth and development, and bad for the economy. It appears that some business owners agree with me.  Robert Reffkin…

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College Football and Non-Compete Contracts 150 150 Dan Frith

College Football and Non-Compete Contracts

I love college football…even though my favorite Virginia Tech Hokies are not playing at the level they enjoyed several years ago.  But as a reader of this blog you might ask, “what do college football and non-compete contracts have in common?”  The answer is a lot. First, let me disclose my bias – I hate…

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Tis’ the Season to quit your job and start a new Virginia Business 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Tis’ the Season to quit your job and start a new Virginia Business

In the ten years I have been helping Virginia employees transition from one job to another, I have noticed a trend.  End of year bonus in hand, employees quit their jobs around Christmas and open new companies in the new year. Not a bad idea, when thoughtfully done.  Are you looking at the above timeline?…

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Ex-employee sued for accessing trade secrets 150 150 Dan Frith

Ex-employee sued for accessing trade secrets

We frequently represent employees who, after leaving their employment, are sued for violating their non-compete contract and for illegally using their ex-employer’s “trade secrets.”  Just what are “trade secrets?”  Typically they are customer lists, marketing information, unpatented inventions, software, formulas and other business information that provides a company with a business edge.  Information is more likely to be…

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How to check out your Doctor 150 150 Dan Frith

How to check out your Doctor

We all use “Google” to check out plumbers and contractors/repairmen and Avvo to check out lawyers and Yelp to check out restaurants…but what about checking out our doctors?  We can all accept a bad restaurant meal or less than professional plumber…at least once.  We should not accept a treating physician who has had her license revoked for providing…

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Drug Interactions Can Kill 150 150 Dan Frith

Drug Interactions Can Kill

For the most part, the advancement of science and medicine has both improved and prolonged our lives.  We can take medications which keep our heart beating at a normal rhythm, lower our blood pressure, reduce our cholesterol, increase blood flow, and on and on.  The problem with all of these new and wonderful medications is that doctors…

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Tis the Season for Nursing Home Neglect 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Tis the Season for Nursing Home Neglect

When I think of this special Holiday Season I think of baking, cider, carols, warm fires and events with friends.  But imagine if you will, a for profit nursing home where seasoned nurses understandably request the Holidays off to spend time with family, and so new, perhaps under-trained, perhaps over-worked nurses are provided by outside…

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Legal obligations of employees, not spelled out in their employment contracts 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Legal obligations of employees, not spelled out in their employment contracts

Is anyone surprised that VW is getting heat from owners for their fraudulent sensors? No. As a VW Diesel owner, I can tell you I didn’t sign an agreement with VW that states “VW promises the sensors found in the vehicle are correct and have not been altered,” but yet, there are state and federal…

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Speaking out about veterans’ care 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Speaking out about veterans’ care

The first time I had a case involving the medical care a patient received at a VA facility, I was surprised to learn that one of the doctors (a former VA employee) had major complaints about the VA himself.  Since then, I have had another case where an ex-VA doctor was willing to speak out…

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Hospital and Doctor Fight over Non-Compete: The Patients Lose 150 150 Dan Frith

Hospital and Doctor Fight over Non-Compete: The Patients Lose

A recent newspaper article from West Virginia reported on a case where a hospital sued a doctor, alleging he broke his non-compete agreement with the hospital. The lawsuit alleges the doctor became a staff physician at Wheeling Hospital on April 1, 2010, and continued until March of this year, when he informed supervisors of his intent to…

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