Law Firm Resources & News

Medical Malpractice and Whistleblower Claims 150 150 Bo Frith

Medical Malpractice and Whistleblower Claims

Our law firm has a fairly unique practice…we represent patients in medical malpractice cases against health care providers and whistleblower cases on behalf of honest folks who report cases of financial and billing fraud.  I recently learned of a case which deals with both issues: a whistleblower on illegal kickbacks for unnecessary back surgeries. South…

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Medical Malpractice and Whistleblower Claims 150 150 Dan Frith

Medical Malpractice and Whistleblower Claims

Our law firm has a fairly unique practice…we represent patients in medical malpractice cases against health care providers and whistleblower cases on behalf of honest folks who report cases of financial and billing fraud.  I recently learned of a case which deals with both issues: a whistleblower on illegal kickbacks for unnecessary back surgeries. South…

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Why was your medical malpractice or personal injury action declined? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Why was your medical malpractice or personal injury action declined?

Was your potential lawsuit or claim declined by our office, or another Virginia attorney? Did someone try to explain that the finances of the case just don’t make sense – or worse, that you could spend two years in Court, for no return? No personal payment at all? We often decline cases because the liens…

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Failure to diagnose ovarian / vaginal / cervical cancer (Gynecoligic Cancers) 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Failure to diagnose ovarian / vaginal / cervical cancer (Gynecoligic Cancers)

Ok ladies – let’s talk. Our mamas didn’t sit us all down and explain much about our gal parts – or how to keep ourselves safe – other than – “GO TO YOUR OBGYN.” And so generations of women do very little but an annual or bi-annual pap smear and or visit to the OBGYN.…

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High Blood Press and Stroke: A Dangerous Combination 150 150 Dan Frith

High Blood Press and Stroke: A Dangerous Combination

Your total blood pressure reading is determined by measuring your systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Systolic blood pressure, the top number, measures the force your heart exerts on the walls of your arteries each time it beats. Diastolic blood pressure, the bottom number, measures the force your heart exerts on the walls of your arteries…

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Medication Errors by Pharmacists 150 150 Dan Frith

Medication Errors by Pharmacists

I watched NBC Nightly News on the evening of March 16 and a story caught my attention.  The report, seen here beginning at the 16:15 minute mark, was about the stresses placed on pharmacists. The story focuses on a pharmacist with 14 years of experience and how employers (CVS Pharmacy and Walgreens were mentioned as…

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Healthcare Fraud: Inflated Medicaid Billing 150 150 Bo Frith

Healthcare Fraud: Inflated Medicaid Billing

Healthcare providers violate the False Claims Act by knowingly submitting false claims for payment to government insurers. One of the most frequent sources for whistleblower lawsuits is inflated Medicaid billing. In September of 2020, a Virginia mental health agency agreed to pay over $250,000 to settle a false claims act lawsuit.[1] Victoria Transcultural Clinical Center…

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Radiology negligence in Virginia 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Radiology negligence in Virginia

Meet Dan. Meet Lauren. Here is a quick discussion on possible malpractice regarding radiologists under Virginia law.

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With COVID – communication regarding healthcare as at an all time low. But is it negligence? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

With COVID – communication regarding healthcare as at an all time low. But is it negligence?

We hear it every day: The doctors won’t return my calls The nursing staff didn’t tell me she fell I had no idea I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure – shouldn’t they tell me that? I can’t go with my Mom the the appointment, so I don’t know what they told her   COVID…

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Why you want an empathetic lawyer for your Virginia wrongful death or malpractice case 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Why you want an empathetic lawyer for your Virginia wrongful death or malpractice case

I have been in meetings before, when someone has looked at me and said “I want a bull dog as an attorney. Are you a bull dog?” As a complete aside, I have never seen a bull dog attack anyone. Have you? I have seen them snuggle, and snort and love people. So, if you…

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How Does your Hospital Stack Up? 150 150 Dan Frith

How Does your Hospital Stack Up?

I have written blogs before about how to find a good doctor in Virginia.  Click here. Now I want to talk about finding a good hospital in Virginia.  Of course you want a good doctor to provide you or your family with great care but what about the nursing staff and other considerations which might…

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Financial Fraud 150 150 Bo Frith

Financial Fraud

A recent article in the Roanoke Times details the explosive growth in whistle-blowing lawsuits during the pandemic, especially for financial fraud. In the fiscal year that ended September 30, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission received 6,900 tips alleging while collar crime, 31% jump from the previous 12-month record. Whistleblowing can be quite lucrative. Since…

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