Virginia Employment Contracts

When Virginia allows healthcare companies to put profits over patients

When Virginia allows healthcare companies to put profits over patients 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

I spent some time over the weekend reading the News – because – well, that is what my people do. We read stuff to stay informed. ANESTHESIA STAFF The first article I read was sent to me by my law partner Bo, and was about a Bill sitting on Gov.…

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Non-Competes in the world of Coronavirus

Non-Competes in the world of Coronavirus 150 150 Dan Frith

These are troubling times. Every person and every business in America will be affected. Retailers, restaurants, bars, movie theaters, etc., will be firing, furloughing, and/or laying off hundreds of thousand employees…many of whom have employment contracts which prevent them from working for a competitor. Virginia courts will enforce reasonable non-compete…

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This is America…I can always quit and find a better job!

This is America…I can always quit and find a better job! 150 150 Dan Frith

Is this a true statement?  Not in Virginia.Maybe half of the statement is correct.  You can quit you job.  However, you cannot always go find a better job in your same industry or locale.  Why?  Because of that one page document you signed 5 years ago (along with health insurance…

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What Amazon employees and print journalists have in common – egregious non-compete agreements – Business Litigation Podcast

What Amazon employees and print journalists have in common – egregious non-compete agreements – Business Litigation Podcast 150 150 Lauren Ellerman morning from Virginia – where non-competes flourish to the detriment to employees, competition and capitalism. (Fun statement to type, one I believe but is rather controversial). If you would like to spend a few minutes hearing my comments on non-competes in Virginia, and the likelihood of change soon – enjoy…

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Lock Up Workers – Legally

Lock Up Workers – Legally 150 150 Dan Frith

The New York Times recently published an editorial on non-compete agreements titled, “Agreements That Lock Up Workers, Legally.”  You can read the editorial here.The editorial lays out why unfair non-compete agreements make our country less competitive and less innovative but the most striking information for me is that 28 million…

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I Absolutely Hate Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements

I Absolutely Hate Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements 150 150 Dan Frith

I know…I know, I ‘ve said it before but non-competes are horrible and make America less competitive and stifle innovation and entrepreneurship, and they always hurt the little guys!Take a few moments from your day and read this article from the New York Times.  The title, “Companies Compete but Won’t…

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What Happens to your Non-Compete Contract When your Employer is Purchased?

What Happens to your Non-Compete Contract When your Employer is Purchased? 150 150 Dan Frith

We get this question frequently and the answer can be complicated.  In the most common situation, an employee signs a non-compete agreement with her employer (the ABC Company).  The contract provides the employee will not leave the ABC Company (its subsidiaries or affiliates) and compete in the same industry or…

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Virginia is good for business (*which means bad for employees!)

Virginia is good for business (*which means bad for employees!) 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

This month I read a summary of accolades for my home – the Commonwealth of Virginia. Best State for Business (6/50) – Forbes MagazineTop State Business Climate (6/50)Top State for Business (13/50) – CNBCWhat does all this mean? Well practically speaking, what is a good business climate is – cheap workers,…

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On the 12th day of Christmas, my boss gave to me – a new non-compete

On the 12th day of Christmas, my boss gave to me – a new non-compete 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Despite my best efforts at educating my fellow Virginians, on the law, their rights and legal obligations, rumors still run rampant about the law and how it applies to individual employees. So, in the spirit of the Season, I wanted to share some of my favorite blogs (yes, some I wrote)…

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Hair Club for Men – in the news again!

Hair Club for Men – in the news again! 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

If you were an adolescent in the 1990s, there is no doubt you remember some of the classic Hair Club for Men commercials where men would smile while woman rubbed their hands across thick luscious clumps of natural looking hair on a man standing nearby. I recall friends reenacting the…

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