Posts By :

Lauren Ellerman

Wrongful Death litigation makes healing from a loss, even harder

Wrongful Death litigation makes healing from a loss, even harder 796 676 Lauren Ellerman

Grief is an unexplainable presence in the lives of so many. It’s ugly, raw, emptying, and at time, feels endless. And yet death is one of life’s most awful guarantees. Imagine for a minute, your grief, and the most intimate details of your loss were live Tweeted, or published through…

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How does Medical Malpractice happen – part I

How does Medical Malpractice happen – part I 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Humans are curious creatures, and the thousands of Virginians who call our Roanoke legal office each year to ask about a medical trauma or potential medical malpractice will often ask out loud – “How does this happen in American Healthcare?” It is an excellent question. One that have I spent…

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white candles on round table

The Empty Chair at Thanksgiving

The Empty Chair at Thanksgiving 1198 800 Lauren Ellerman

We know that many of our clients will struggle this Holiday Season. Losing a loved one is always hard – but when the loss is preventable, the grief is compounded by trauma, anger, sadness and heartbreak.

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Top 5 Medical Myths in American Healthcare 2022 (part I)

Top 5 Medical Myths in American Healthcare 2022 (part I) 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

It is my daily privilege to speak with families who call our office looking for help when they aren’t sure where else to turn. And in the thousands of conversations we have had with Virginians over the last 20 years, we hear recurring themes, and myths about modern healthcare. Beliefs…

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You may not want a Pizza, Pasta, Taco, Sushi Lawyer

You may not want a Pizza, Pasta, Taco, Sushi Lawyer 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Do you know those restaurants that claim to be “known” for everything? The ones that say Pizza, Pasta, Tacos and Sushi on the sign? Or, Worlds Best Donuts and Hot Dogs? Unless you are 7 years old, the combination of vastly different cuisines, methods of preparation, and ingredients leaves most…

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What is Fraud under Virginia Law? Bo Frith explains

What is Fraud under Virginia Law? Bo Frith explains 150 150 Lauren Ellerman
Bo Frith, Esq. explains what healthcare fraud, financial fraud or insurance fraud looks like and how we can help under Virginia law. read more

What is a wrongful death case under Virginia law and who is a wrongful death lawyer?

What is a wrongful death case under Virginia law and who is a wrongful death lawyer? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman
What is a wrongful death case under Virginia law? Superlawyer (and top 50 women attorneys in Virginia) Lauren Ellerman explains what it is, and how our firm can help. read more

Virginia River Season 3 – skeezy lawyer Todd and how our attorneys (Dan / Lauren / Bo) are not like that guy

Virginia River Season 3 – skeezy lawyer Todd and how our attorneys (Dan / Lauren / Bo) are not like that guy 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Skeezy  lawyer characters are not new to film or  television. Think  – The Simpsons character, Lionel Hutz (and enjoy this mashup below). Further, personal injury advertising is sometimes so nuts, it makes the lawyers look – well, a little nuts. This week I enjoyed watching Season 3 of Virgin River…

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Frith & Ellerman – Virginia Medical Malpractice Super Lawyers!

Frith & Ellerman – Virginia Medical Malpractice Super Lawyers! 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

A friend recently teased me [Lauren Ellerman ] during a meeting – “Are you really one of the best 100 lawyers in Virginia / Top 50 Female Attorneys in Virginia / Only 1 of 3 Female Super lawyer for Plaintiff Medical Malpractice?” I responded, “I’m not sure –  but I…

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Why was your medical malpractice or personal injury action declined?

Why was your medical malpractice or personal injury action declined? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Was your potential lawsuit or claim declined by our office, or another Virginia attorney? Did someone try to explain that the finances of the case just don’t make sense – or worse, that you could spend two years in Court, for no return? No personal payment at all? We often…

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