Law Firm Resources & News

Do I have a case? How much will it cost to get my records? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Do I have a case? How much will it cost to get my records?

  Potential medical malpractice clients ask us many important questions.  Here are two of them: Do I have a case?  How much will it cost to get my medical records?     The first is not as easy to answer and the latter is thankfully getting much easier to answer.  Let us start with the…

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So why are the laws written to protect companies not patients in Virginia Nursing Homes 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

So why are the laws written to protect companies not patients in Virginia Nursing Homes

So, I get asked the following questions all the time: What are the laws to protect seniors in Virginia nursing homes?   Answer: NONE (ok, slight exaggeration. There are some federal laws and some basic licensing requirements for facilities)  What is the rule about nurses / patient ratios in Virginia nursing homes?    Answer: NONE…

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Prostate Cancer: an all too common story 150 150 Dan Frith

Prostate Cancer: an all too common story

The Roanoke Times just published an article from “To Your Good Health.” An informative and educational column on infectious diseases and public health issue written by Dr. Keith Roach, a highly respected physician at Weill Cornell Medical College.  Today’s column was based upon a wife’s report of how her husband’s doctors failed to provide him…

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For liberty and justice for all 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

For liberty and justice for all

You’ve said those words thousands of times if you attended primary or elementary school in the United States. You said them to conclude the Pledge of Allegiance wherein we state we are one Nation, under God, with liberty and justice or all.  But what does that mean? Likely it means something different to everyone who utters…

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New Guidelines on Sepsis 150 150 Dan Frith

New Guidelines on Sepsis

Sepsis.  What is it?  It is bad and it is life-threatening and it effects more than 1 million patients a year!  The Mayo Clinic defines sepsis as an infection in which the patient exhibits at least two of the following symptoms, plus a probable or confirmed infection:      1.  Body temperature above 101 F (38.3…

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A Complex Diagnosis: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

A Complex Diagnosis: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Recently, we have heard from more people who end up with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) after medical malpractice.  Because we are seeing more of it, and because it is not always immediately recognized, we want to lay out some of the things to watch for.   To start, CRPS is considered a chronic pain…

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Hospitals in Southside and Southwest Virginia don’t come highly recommended 150 150 Dan Frith

Hospitals in Southside and Southwest Virginia don’t come highly recommended

We all rely upon “word of mouth” in locating a good building contractor, dentist, plumber, painter, doctor, or lawyer.  What about finding a good hospital? If word of mouth from patients who were treated in that hospital is considered, several Virginia hospitals would fare poorly.  Virginia Business magazine’s January issue contains an article on this…

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No staffing requirements in Virginia Nursing Homes 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

No staffing requirements in Virginia Nursing Homes

This week I shared a fact on our firm’s Facebook page: Virginia does not having minimum staffing requirements for nursing homes.  This means, it is technically legal for a facility to accept 120 residents, and only have 1 RN, 2 LPNs and 2 CNAs that can care for these patients per 12 hour shift.  On…

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Republicans say there is a “malpractice crisis,” experts disagree. 150 150 Dan Frith

Republicans say there is a “malpractice crisis,” experts disagree.

This issue is not a Republican versus Democrat or Liberal versus Conservative matter.  You have probably heard or read the following:   The medical malpractice crisis is threatening U.S. health care.   Baloney:  Medical errors claim more than 250,000 lives each year and medical negligence is the third-leading cause of death in America.  Sounds to…

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Risks of Gastric Bypass and Medical Malpractice Cases in Virginia 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Risks of Gastric Bypass and Medical Malpractice Cases in Virginia

I understand the temptation to undergo gastric bypass. It is a life saving (in some cases) procedure than can transform the lives of folks who cannot control their weight with diet and exercise. Don’t we all see Al Roker on TV and think – wow – if it worked for him, it could work for…

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What can a medical malpractice lawsuit really do in Virginia? And how do we file complaints against Virginia hospitals, doctors, nursing homes etc? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

What can a medical malpractice lawsuit really do in Virginia? And how do we file complaints against Virginia hospitals, doctors, nursing homes etc?

I hear it frequently from kind, hurting people who have either suffered themselves as a result of Medical Malpractice in Virginia, or witnessed a loved one suffer: It’s not about the money – I just don’t want it to happen to someone else.” So when I tell them the only thing a lawsuit can do…

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No one wants to be a plaintiff in 2017 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

No one wants to be a plaintiff in 2017

The phone rang off the hook today – folks wanting to know if they had a medical malpractice lawsuit. Missed work. Pain. Loss of independence. The stories were in many ways similar, and yet, each one totally unique. What if your health was ripped away from you? What if you had to watch a loved…

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