Law Firm Resources & News

Hernia Repair Malpractice in Virginia 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Hernia Repair Malpractice in Virginia

Just yesterday I was reading the medical records in a potential case, and I saw a Virginia surgeon write the following in a pre-op note for a patient who had a large hernia: Have explained to patient risks of procedure, including damage to liver, kidney, bowel, stomach and surrounding organs. Patient verbalizes understanding.  So I…

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Do Not Sign It! 150 150 Dan Frith

Do Not Sign It!

I hate to over simplify the issue but if you are asked to sign a non-compete or non-solicitation contract as a part of a new job, don’t.  More precisely, do not sign a non-compete or non-solicitation contract without reviewing the contract, and its potential impact on your future and your ability to earn a living,…

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Does your employer think you are a risk or threat when you leave? Umm, yes. 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Does your employer think you are a risk or threat when you leave? Umm, yes.

In many ways, employment litigation is like family law (now, keep reading – I have a point!).  When things end badly, people don’t trust each-other. They assume one party intends to cause harm and that no one is telling the whole truth.  When a good employee leaves to work for a competitor, or to start…

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Do I have a complaint or a case against a Virginia nursing home? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Do I have a complaint or a case against a Virginia nursing home?

Do I have complaint against a Virginia nursing home? Or is it a lawsuit? How can I tell? I explain the difference between a complaint and actual claim in this short video.

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What are my damages in a serious injury / medical malpractice or wrongful death case in Virginia 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

What are my damages in a serious injury / medical malpractice or wrongful death case in Virginia

The law in every state is different, but in Virginia, the law is complicated as to what individuals can recover in a serious injury case. The law is even more complicated on who can recover in a serious injury case, if the person died as a result of the injuries.   Please take a few…

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Improving emergency room care for stroke patients 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Improving emergency room care for stroke patients

Untimely and improper treatment for strokes is a common area of medical malpractice litigation.  There are medications recognized as helpful for some stroke patients.  Reports show that overall patients are getting the help they need more quickly.   Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is a “clot busting” medication that has been used for several years to…

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I told you so… 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

I told you so…

I will admit, saying the following words to someone is rarely fruitful: “I told you so.” But, saying them to yourself or to the folks who read your blog can be a very satisfying enterprise. I tell opposing counsel in non-compete cases probably every year, that yes my client breached his contract, but no I…

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When your private health care information is accessed – HIPAA violation – what do you do next? 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

When your private health care information is accessed – HIPAA violation – what do you do next?

In this morning’s  Roanoke Times,was an article about employees at a local hospital who were fired when the administration realized these employees had accessed someone’s personal health care records in violation of federal law. We get calls about potential HIPAA violations all the time. The general public assumes that if an employee wrongfully accessed or shared their…

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A conversation about end of life 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

A conversation about end of life

A few years ago I sent my father an email asking him to think about what he wanted my brother and I to do for him, with him, on his behalf before and after he died. It wasn’t as harsh as it sounds – we had been having the conversation in small chunks after he…

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Virginia Medical Malpractice Law Newsletter | Summer 2015 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

Virginia Medical Malpractice Law Newsletter | Summer 2015

Our Quarterly Newsletter is out this week on updates in Virginia Medical Malpractice Law. To subscribe, visit our website – or read below. UPDATE ON VIRGINIA MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LAW SUMMER 2015 IN THIS ISSUE: Filing Cases against the VA in Virginia – 13 Things you need to know before filing a FTCA case 5 Common…

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13 Things to Know About Negligence at the VA and the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

13 Things to Know About Negligence at the VA and the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)

The Department of Veterans Affairs has been in the news a lot lately about poor medical care provided to veterans at its facilities.  If you are considering a case against the VA based on negligent care by its employees, then the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) may apply. The FTCA allows citizens to sue the federal government…

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So Virginia is a right to work state – what does that mean? Ask the experts. 150 150 Lauren Ellerman

So Virginia is a right to work state – what does that mean? Ask the experts.

Have you noticed the poster in your office that says you live and work in a Right to Work state? What does that mean? It is a topic I write on often. In the last few years I have written on the topic no less than five times (complete list and link to these articles…

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